Internet magazine

Petr Bucek - C# framework in real application

C# framework in real application

Click on the article detail here for photos of hardware and description.

Detail description:

The company produces devices like ICP optical emission spectrometers or Elemental analyzers and this software was done specially for: Analyzer of organically bound halogens and combustible sulfur.

Hardware -
For USB interface is used LabJack, which makes (emulation RS-232) multifunction device with 14 analog inputs (16- to 18- bit), 2 analog outputs (12-bit), 20 digital I/O, 2 counters, and 4 timers.
The used system is here, on this link, see the content of the PDF for detail description

LabTech Cards [from my mobile phone]
Over Laboratory in Europe:
Over Laboratory in EU
Bronkhorst card:
Bronkhorst card

Titration cell:
Titration ceel

Detail of Titration cell:
Detail of Titration ceel

LabJack card:
LabJack card

Regulation valve:
Regulation valve

