Internet magazine

Petr Bucek - Demo application
Until will be opened the account for bank gateway I can in the e-shop perform only demo application showing main features of the MathView framework.
It is to download here zip file.

All the functions are scalable, as you can verify by a little changing of input values in data model files, which are linked in attached zip file and then to view it in main MathView.exe file.
There is possible save this zip file into some local folder, e.g. on C:MathView.ZIP and then in Windows right mouse click evoke menu and there to select Extract all and so we get all necessary in one local folder, e.g. C:MathView Here it is possible to click on the file MathView.exe and start the it easy by press of [Enter] on keyboard or right mouse click and open. And this is also prominent on first example of system which has set reading of input values directly from mouse coordinates.
This first example renders functions based on equations with parameters from mouse.
These integral curves are particular solutions of autonomous system which used in theory of controlling systems. There is represents state trajectory of linear regulatory circuit described by differential equation:
      y'+ y' + y = 0.
Viewed solution is based on method of isoclines in state plane.
Linear elements are compounding into directional field. This field we can drew by mouse click onto tool box with star [*] icon which is located in column at the left side of main window of the application.
After the rendering of directional field stopped, can be used the menu File / New - and then can be started next animations by clicking on a tool box from column at the left side of main window.
In this program extract are presented tools with description:
Tool button point [.] icon shows Extrapolation curve allowing zoom. This is visible after clicking onto Tool buttons [+] or [-].
Here can be used the menu File / New - for clear backgroud before next animation.
Tool button horizontal [8] shows Cassiny’s curve allowing zoom. This is visible after clicking onto Tool buttons [+] or [-].
Other functionalities are in the demo version blocked or the icons for these are hidden or inactive.
Details of testing programs for computing and generating of data model files I can publish on my server from where will be possible to downloaded them.