Internet magazine
Petr Bucek -
Star Tools
are power univesal tool environment userfriendly due to runable
diagrams of Scenarois. It's allows their construction and controlling of
program execution. Star Tools are based on Astral Airlines which are
universal container of the IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
Special diagrams of Scenarois are developed for specific Actions which are enumerated and details are descripted in next.
These are templates Scenarois from them ... These templates diagrams can not be rewrited and saved. But the protection enable to save and edit them under changed name by user. If would be despite of it rewrited or by another way broken original templates Scenarois,
Star Tools diagrams has predefined editation of labels for setting of actual entering from user.
E.g. PTH or files wehich sd be processed by the pgm in next after compilation by Menu Action / Build. By the compilation is necesary to confirm some report alert windows by mouse, or for speedup its possible to check them by one longer pressing of escape key.
Then it's possible the compiled scenario run by Menu Action / Run. When this running is working must not be interupted until finished.
Label settings -appropriate steps are automatized. Labels have feature requires Enter for OK confirmation and escape key or Delete key for delete.
Scenario executes appropriate action specified in of the diagram.