Internet magazine
Petr Bucek -
Nette Framework (MVC)
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture in PHP is applied by Nette Framework.
(It is on my web-sites, so you can easily test it and write anything in the form for a new user in the database.)
This is index.php with the contents of the database. The new user button opens a form with the addition of an unlimited address field and the following:
After clicking on the Submit button, $connection = mysql_connect() will be prepared and executes SQL INSERT();
Then there is a read link from the DB in index.php which is currently processing the JSON stored in the BLOB, parsing it and converting it to the Array displayed in the View using HTML ROWSPAN elements, as can be seen in the introduction.
The whole thing demonstrates my know-how of processing Czech characters from DB JSON BLOB (and therefore potentially a file, or XML from DB) into View.